The Correct Chicken Temperature for Juicy Meat Every Time

No More Dry Overdone Birds

Iron skillet roasted chicken
The Spruce

Unsure what temperature your chicken should be so that it is safe to eat without being dry and overdone? The short answer for juicy, properly cooked chicken is 150 F for at least 3 minutes for white meat and 175 F for dark meat. Read on for more information about where these numbers come from and for tips and tricks for cooking the best chicken possible.


Watch Now: The Correct Temperature for Juicy Chicken Every Time

Calculating Chicken Temperatures

When it comes to cooking chicken, there are a lot of temperatures to keep in mind. There's the temperature you set your oven to; then there's the actual temperature of the chicken itself (known as the internal temperature), which is measured with an instant-read thermometer. And then there's the minimum safe internal temperature with respect to food safety. In other words, the temperature your chicken needs to reach to ensure that any harmful bacteria it might harbor, like salmonella or campylobacter, are killed.

The Spruce / Michela Buttignol

Last but not least, there is the chicken temperature for quality purposes—so that the breast meat is firm and white but not stringy and dry, and the dark meat is tender rather than rubbery.

White Meat Doneness

The USDA recommends that chicken and poultry be cooked to a minimum internal temperature of 165 F for at least 30 seconds. However, due to carry over cooking, if you pull the chicken breast once it reaches an internal temperature of approximately 162 F, the chicken will retain heat and continue to rise in temperature to reach the necessary 165 F without overcooking and drying out the meat.

Dark Meat Doneness

Chicken thighs and all chicken dark meat tend to taste better when cooked to a higher temperature(175 F to 180 F) due to their higher amounts of connective tissue. Cooking thigh meat to 165 F will yield chewy, rubbery meat, but at 175 F to 180 F, it will be tender and juicy as the collagen melts and turns to gelatin.

Using a digital instant-read thermometer to measure the temperature of a roast chicken
 Teresa Short / Getty Images

Roasting a Perfect Chicken

The following steps for roasting a whole chicken will yield white and dark meat that is tender, succulent, and properly cooked.

  1. Position a rack in the lower third of the oven and heat to 500 F.
  2. Place the chicken in a roasting pan with a rack. Season with kosher salt.
  3. Insert an ovenproof digital probe thermometer into the thickest part of the breast and set it to alert you when the temperature reaches 162 F.
  4. Transfer the chicken to the oven and immediately turn the temperature down to 350 F.
  5. Wait for the alarm on the thermometer to beep, approximately 90 minutes.
  6. Remove the chicken from the oven and let it rest for 30 minutes, leaving the probe in the breast.
  7. After 30 minutes, carve and serve.

Resting the Chicken

During the resting period, you'll see the temperature on the digital probe display continue to rise and then fall. When it completes its rise and eventually dips down to 120 F, it's ready to carve.

Because the temperature of a roasted chicken continues to rise for several minutes after taking it out of the oven, if you pull it out when the breast is 162 F and let it rest for 30 minutes, that breast meat will remain above 165 F for more than the required 8.4 minutes, making it tender, juicy, and perfectly safe. Likewise with the dark meat, which will eventually peak at around 200 F, which is more than sufficient for the collagen in the meat to break down, ensuring tender, juicy, flavorful dark meat.

Bear in mind that the times and temperatures above refer only to roasting a whole chicken. It's the overall mass of the whole chicken that allows it to hold those temperatures during the resting time. If you tried roasting an individual chicken breast, it wouldn't work the same way.

Sous Vide Chicken Breasts

There is one technique that is perfect for cooking individual cuts of chicken to a certain temperature and holding them at that temperature. It's called sous vide cooking.

With this cooking method, it's a simple matter to heat your chicken breast to 165 F for as long as you want. The added advantage of sous vide is that no matter how long you leave it in the water bath, your chicken breast will never get any hotter than 165 F (or whatever temperature you set it to). This ensures juicy, tender breast meat with minimal effort.

Article Sources
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  1. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Food safety by type of food. Updated April 1, 2019.

  2. USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service. Safe minimum internal temperature chart. Updated May 11, 2020.

  3. Baldwin, DE. Sous vide cooking: a reviewInt J Gastron Food Sci. 2012;1(1):15-30. doi:10.1016/j.ijgfs.2011.11.002